that's where icebox cakes come in. there are many varieties and levels of kitschiness one could go for with these. there is one that calls for layering nabisco wafers with whipped cream (or you can make the wafers yourself and make them into cakes or cupcakes and yum), others that use graham crackers or different kinds of wafer cookies.
this one uses ritz crackers, those buttery little delights that ... actually, i don't like ritz crackers that much. but they are good in cake-like things! who knew? and yes, as the picture above demonstrates, i think it is very important that the crackers you use for this have a marketing tie-in with glee on the packaging. glee and ritz! together again for the very first time!
anyway, the idea for this baby came from here, and i changed just a couple of things. first, i added some vanilla to the batter/milky layers. then i layered the crackers somewhat differently and added a yogurt layer over the top. next time i think i will maybe crunch up some of the remaining crackers and caramelize them and people can put them on top when they eat this, because i think the textural contrast would be nice. but this was very very good as made.
so, seriously, that picture at the top contains all of the ingredients in this except for the yogurt. that's how crazy-easy it is. just glob out two cans of sweetened condensed milk, a pint of whipping cream (not whipped. just the cream one could whip, if so inclined), 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract or paste, a tablespoon of lime zest, and half a cup or so of lime juice (yeah, this used a lot of limes. but under no circumstances should you purchase one of those vaguely lime-shaped thingies that they cunningly sell right next to real limes. those suckers are nasty. juice real limes yourself! don't be so lazy - the rest of this is super easy. get one of these - they're great! or whatever brand. i don't care. just not those plastic shame-filled monstrosities.)
you mix those things together and they thicken right before your eyes! it is a miracle! no, don't freak out. it is just lime juice plus science. something something acid milk dairy thicken proteins something. ta da!
put a largish (like a cup or so) dollop of that sweet limey ambrosia in your mouth in the bottom of a smallish pan. the one i used measured about 4 ritz crackers by 3 ritz crackers. really, it doesn't matter - the smaller the pan, the deeper the cake will be, the larger, the shallower. go with your instincts on this.
once i made one layer, i spread a little of the filling (like 1/2 a cup or maybe 2/3) over the inside part of the crackers. see the picture above? there were fairly large gaps between which the little round darlings didn't touch, and i wanted the cake to be more cohesive. then i did more layers like that - 12 cracker layer, then 6 cracker layer. finally i got to the end and i didn't have that much filling left so it looked weird:
then sprinkle the whole thing with some more lime zest. that's just for pretty. then let it chill awhile more so that the yogurt sets up.
then eat it up! this is really one of those things that's more than the sum of its parts. it's tangy and sweet and rich and really just amazingly good. it's great for potlucks and parties! it's like the easiest key lime pie you never made!
2 cans sweetened condensed milk (plus a few tablespoons, if using yogurt for top)
1 pint whipping cream
1/2 cup lime (or whatever) juice
2 sleeves (or so) ritz crackers (or analogue - i'm sure there are generic ritz things that would be fine)
2 teaspoons vanilla
2-3 tablespoons lime zest
2/3 - 3/4 cup greek yogurt (optional)
mix the first 5 ingredients, plus 1 tablespoon zest. layer with the crackers. chill overnight. top with yogurt mixed with a little condensed milk, chill another few hours. sprinkle with more zest and enjoy.
This made me Giggle Out Loud. And also sounds delectable!